
Aging population need to be included in information technology, suggest psychologists

July 17, 2017

"These changes in function can slow performance and result in a greater number of errors as older adults interact with technology that was not designed with their capabilities in mind," explained the authors. The psychologists suggest web designers should avoid backgrounds that create low contrast for text, use larger fonts, minimize scrolling and provide navigation aids and instructional support. They also recommend designers undergo training that takes into account age-related perceptual and cognitive changes.

The authors explain that these changes will alleviate some of the stress of learning and using new technologies, but it will not eliminate difficulties all-together: "It is reasonable to assume that technology will continue to advance rapidly," they concluded. "Also, perceptual, cognitive and psychomotor declines will continue to occur with aging."

So while changes in web design and development will dramatically improve usability for older adults, there will always be hurdles to overcome alongside emerging technologies. But, as the researchers explain, there is hope that some technological advances, such as videogames designed to sharpen cognitive abilities, may ultimately be able to boost technological abilities in the aging population.

Source: Association for Psychological Science